Nokia Phone Secret Security Codes

শনিবার, নভেম্বর ২২, ২০০৮
Today wanna discuss about nokia phones some hidden codes.
Those codes are really working. So lets check it out.

displays the ‘private number’ calling you.

resets the phone timer and game records (in certain type of phones).

Returns to the factory setting.

Shows the IP address of the Bluetooth device (only for those having the Bluetooth feature).
Quick access to the contact name/number inside the phonebook. For instance, 20#.
Off button
Simple way to change between profiles
activates EFR (Enhanced Full Rate). By accessing this code, your Nokia cell phone will adjust the best sound quality. However, this feature will consume more energy on the battery. Note: this code will not be accessible at Symbian phones.
deactivates EFR
deactivates Half rate Codec
Displays the original phone version. The first line shows the software version. The second line shows the software date made. The third line shows the compression type being used.
serves as the alternative code, lest *#0000# does not function properly.
Views the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number
Checks the divert number ‘All Calls’ being used.
Displays the phone security code being applied (if you still apply the standard code, the phone security code will may not be seen)
Checks the ‘Call Waiting’ status.
Checks the diverted caller numbers when you did not answer them. (only if you activate call divert)
Checks the diverted caller numbers while your phone was not reachable (only if you activate call divert).
Checks the diverted caller numbers while your phone was busy (only if you activate call divert).
Activates the ‘All Calls’ diversion in the filling number
Activates the ‘No Reply’ diversion in the filling number
Activates the ‘On Busy’ diversion in the filling number
Changes the operator logo in Nokia 3310 and 3330.
Displays the SIM Lock status. If your phone is supported by the energy saver feature, then a text saying “SIM Clock Stop Allowed” will pop up on the screen. It means that you will get longer standby times.
Display the manufacturer code (for most of the old type phone version)
Displays: 1. Serial Number, 2. Date Made, 3. Purchase Date, 4. Date of last repair (0000 for phones which have not been repaired yet), 5. Transfer User Data. In some phones, in order to exit from this mode you have to restart the phone.